
[youtube http://youtu.be/BKjjC0aeyo4] Mindless Cold ice to warm me as your memory fades… See More you are here with me no more and stripped bare with only my thoughts to pry I’ll wait for snow to bury them then wait some more until they thaw here in the wasteland of my thoughts I scramble over hills… Continue reading Mindless


[youtube http://youtu.be/BKjjC0aeyo4] Mindless Cold ice to warm me as your memory fades… See More you are here with me no more and stripped bare with only my thoughts to pry I’ll wait for snow to bury them then wait some more until they thaw here in the wasteland of my thoughts I scramble over hills… Continue reading Mindless


Réalisation des vidéo projections et regie temp réel de captation live avec camera télécommandé, et realisaton d’une interview de Angelo dello Iacono / metteur en scene et Luc Badagasarrian direecteur d’orchestre. Interview [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0TbzBULhI&rel=0] Requiem – Extrait [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc8JUU5GfTs] Photographie


Realizzazione di video proiezioni con acquisizione di immagini in tempo reale, riprodotte live, con macchina fotografica a distanza telecomandata. E realizzazione di un’intervista ad Angelo Dello Iacono – regista ed a Luca Badagasarrian – direttore d’orchestra. Intervista [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0TbzBULhI&rel=0] Requiem – Estratto [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc8JUU5GfTs] Fotografie


extracted video stills

Il cliente per questo lavoro é la “compagnie 3.14 / Valeria Apicella” per la quale ho creato il video del loro ultimo spettacolo: Travelling . Ancora una volta le sontuose luci di Jean Pascal Pracht sono al limite dell’impossibile per poter filmare in condizioni ottimali, ma con qualche accorgimento tecnico anche in questa occasione è… Continue reading Travelling


extracted video stills

Le client pour ce travail as était la “Compagnie 3.14 / Valeria Apicella” pour lequel j’ai créé la vidéo de leur dernier spectacle: Travelling. Encore une fois les lumières magnifiques de Jean Pascal Pracht sont à la limite de impossibilité pour filmer dans des conditions optimales, mais avec un certain dispositif technique aussi à cette occasion… Continue reading Travelling

tears, fears and other humors

tears, fears and other humors - Paolo Rudelli

Girato con fotocamere a pellicola, una Bolex 16mm ed una Beaulieu S8. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OQIA251moI] film di Paolo Rudelli con Louise Chardon musica “Fear on white vehicles” by Norsola Johnson location Brussels at Bains Connective (Belgium) and in the woods of Olera (Italy) © 2005 – 2014

tears, fears and other humors

Tourné avec caméscope, une Bolex 16mm et une Beaulieu S8. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OQIA251moI] film réalisé par Paolo Rudelli avec Louise Chardon musique “Fear on white vehicles” by Norsola Johnson location Brussels at Bains Connective (Belgium) and in the woods of Olera (Italy) © 2005 – 2014